I offer a comprehensive organizational training needs assessment for clients looking to understand their current training needs.

This assessment can help you identify areas where employees would benefit from additional training to support the organization's objectives better.

I have the knowledge and expertise to work with businesses of all sizes – from small start-ups to large multinational corporations. No matter your organization's unique needs, we can design a corporate training plan to support your team in succeeding.

This course has helped me become a better communicator and strive to become a better leader. Gabriella who ran the course was very engaging and encouraging for the entire team.

This service is for you if you are:

  • considering establishing a formal training or organizational learning function within your organization.

  • hoping to better align your training function with the company’s business goals and objectives.

  • consolidating a decentralized training operation.

  • desiring to increase the learning efficiency and cost-effectiveness of your current training program.

  • experiencing performance problems somewhere in your organization (whether company-wide or individual).

  • looking for the design, development, or evaluation of training curricula for your business.

Companies I have facilitated for:

(Note: I continually develop training workshops faster than this link may be updated)